Thursday, April 7, 2011

Training: Man up

I spent years on the bike, riding hard everyday. Quite honestly, I preferred to train more than I enjoyed racing. As much as I wanted to see that I was faster than most of the guys out there, I always got more satisfaction beating my own times than beating others. I didn't train hard for them, I did it for me. Years later, due to kids, work, etc...I started running to reduce training time. 20 hours a week on the bike is not all that do-able as a 30 something father of three.

So, I hit the trails. I am not fast, I say, but why not step it up and push it? Why is it that I am my own worst enemy on the ultra training and racing. Problem is, I have demonstrated that I am fast enough to be competitive. I train like I am training to go somewhere. Maybe I need to read my own words to realize that I need to man up. I don't train on speed but I can pretty easily take 2nd place at multiple short races....just need to enjoy the fact that I am able to run hard, for crap's sake! get out an run like you want to!

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